Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Nov. 2

The end-of-the-semester rush is starting early. If I was in retail I would hire some seasonal employees.

8:30-10 Updated Media Productions log

10-noon  Organized "Look Who's Dancing" (LWD from now on) material and sketched ideas for flier.
I'm thinking ribbons of music.

Noon-noon:30  Media Productions class. Passed out posters

12:30-1:30  Perspective assignment for Illustrator class. Gradient mesh of sculpture.

2-3  Job Squad. Not as many changes as I expected. Little things like, don't capitalize Website. Generic cover letter nixed. She said it should be job-specific and for job fairs cover letters aren't necessary.

3-4:30 Stopped by my house for lunch and read one story from Elmore Leonard's collection of westerns
I'm falling behind on my New Year's resolution to read 50 books in 2011. I'm on 38 with 8 weeks to go.

4:30-8  Perspective. I'm doing an art museum interior. I was too ambitious in the beginning – 3 stories, with stairs and balconies and a cafe. I basically started over and downsized to one room with about a dozen paintings, one sculpture and a couple of people.

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